

:strLen string len -- returns the length of a string :: -- string [in] - variable name containing the string being measured for length

Batch Script

2022年1月4日 — In this article , we are going to learn how to find length of any String using Batch Script. Batch Script :.

Batch Script String Manipulation

In Batch Scripting there is no length function defined to find the length of a string. But there are custom-defined functions which can be used for the same.

Get String Length

3 天前 — How can the script get len value when it is not in the nums list ? Can anyone explain the logic ? Source: How-to: Get the length of a String - ...

Getting length of a variable in batch

2016年12月16日 — Function call version. see 1. DosTips length of a string @echo off set /p input=Enter text: call :strlen %input%, len echo Length is ...

How do you get the string length in a batch file?

2011年4月29日 — You can do it in two lines, fully in a batch file, by writing the string to a file and then getting the length of the file. You just have to ...

stringlength.cmd - just created

2021年7月12日 — It uses a binary search to detect the length of the string. It only requires 13 iterations for any length string supported by batch. On some ...


This function can be used to return the length of a string. goto:eof :strlen StrVar [RtnVar] setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set s=#!%~1! set len=0 for ...

批次處理程序的字串功能(Function of String in Batch)

2011年10月16日 — 請教一下,若計算字串長度,字串中含有空白,要怎麼解決? 如my string,這樣只會計算到my。 回覆刪除. 回覆.